Intern Leaving

Today, our intern Wilfred is going away after 5 or 6 weeks of internship. He worked on monitoring the Google page rank of our pages, and of given keywords we want to follow at Fotopedia. Of course, he mainly did ruby code, with mongo, redis/resque and protoviz graphs. We are now almost able to identify the progress of the rank of most of our page across time. This will be very useful in a near future....

1 min Â· map[image: name:Oct url:]

Introducing the Flickr Attributor

Share and respect the license ! What’s wrong with Creative Commons picture sharing ? Since twitter started supporting images in post, most clients now have the ability to display these pictures along with the post. Adding a picture to a tweet increases clicks, retweets and favorites and will improve your social communication! Unfortunately, your photos might not be good enough to illustrate your point, so you might want to use other people’s photos....

2 min

Les espaces insécables sous OSX

Hej, J’ai lu hier l’article de Bruno Michel qui parle des espaces insécables pour les développeurs et je me suis rappelé de l’horreur qu’il y a à taper sous OSX, avec un clavier français les commandes suivantes: ps aux | grep toto En général, on relache les touches alt+shift un tout petit peu trop tard et le clavier OSX nous colle alors un joli espace insécable à la place de l’espace classique juste après le pipe :...

1 min

Mongo DB Startup slow as hell (in some conditions)

We are now in the process of switching to Mongo DB 1.6.1 in order to use Sharding and Replicat Sets. Yesterday, I found out that when Mongo was printing: I opened a bug at Mongo ( and Eliot pointed me to a fs configuration change that could help. We have now opted for XFS local disks (instead of 8 RAID-1 EBS disks in Ext3). XFS is supported by the kernel of the instance we use while Ext4 is NOT....

1 min Â· map[image: name:Oct url:]

Mongo DB Startup slow as hell (in some conditions)

We are now in the process of switching to Mongo DB 1.6.1 in order to use Sharding and Replicat Sets. Yesterday, I found out that when Mongo was printing:

1 min Â· map[image: name:Oct url:]

Monoprix, tu abuses

Non sérieux, Monoprix, tu abuses… Au début, c’était comme une belle histoire d’amour. Tu avais un joli site ouaib, avec de belles couleurs, plein de produits à commander, un moteur de recherche performant, des délais de livraison pas bien longs, des tarifs oui-peut-être-un-peu-élevés-mais-bon. Alors j’ai commandé chez toi. J’avais droit à la livraison gratuite, parce que c’était les vacances, et que, ben oui, y à moins d’activité en été et que je comprends bien qu’il faut faire du business aussi en cette saison....

5 min

Open-uri preventing redirects from https to http

Because it assumes it’s insecure. That’s quite annoying and should be configurable. def OpenURI.redirectable?(uri1, uri2) true end This monkey-patch fixes the issue and remove the check. A bug exists for the stdlib but fixes just the other way round.

1 min Â· map[image: name:Oct url:]


Powerdns is a very nice DNS server. It provides out of the box Geo sensitivity, enabling you to redirect your customer to different servers according to their origin. We use that we a quite complex zone setup. Also it can be plugged onto a SQL backend (such as mysql, postgresql or sqlite). The whole stuff can then be managed by dedicated web tools. We use pdnsadmin (php based, requires mysql) and this is enough for simple uses....

1 min


We use PowerDNS for one of our new domain name. We plan to use the geo backend of PowerDNS to provide some geo-targeting feature and automatically redirect our fellows users to the closest server available. This was quite easy to setup. Once you have found a good PowerDNS administration tool (such as pdns admin), this is much easier. Let’s wait until this go in production (first website is!

1 min Â· map[image: name:Oct url:]

RAID Forever

MegaCLI (LSI) PERC Command line client is here in case you’re looking for it too. This is a zip containing a zip containing an rpm file. Just alien it and you’re almost done. The cheats sheet you can find on the internet is rather ok, except for the download link I just wrote down.

1 min Â· map[image: name:Oct url:]